PEO Advice

Employee Leasing is a Cost Effective Worker's Compensation Solution
Save administration time – Eliminate employer liability Increase Employee Productivity and retention Having a PEO manage your workers comp & payroll allow you to focus your time on what you do best Let PEO ADVICE guide you through the rest

What is a PEO?

PEO stands for Professional Employer Organization which enables clients to focus o their core competencies and grow their bottom line while cost effectively outsourcing the functions that are directly associated with payroll and workers' compentsation.

What types of companies use PEOs?

Any company in virtually every industry who is interested in trying to improve its performance in an increasingly competitive marketplace should consider using PEO ADVICE's services.

How can I save money with a PEO?

A professional employer organization saves you money by assuming the non-revenue generating tasks that are associated with the production of payroll and the administration of workers' compensation. This allows you to focus on the "business of business" no the "business of employment". In many cases, clients can save up to 15-30% on existing expenditures for Workers Comp services. Employye benefits, outsde accounting and legal expenses and other human resources expenses. PEOADVICE finds you the best rates and the best PEOs for your particular business, because no two businesses are alike and you should only have to pay for things your business needs.

Do I have to carry workers compensation?

In general, your business is required to have workers' compensation insurance if you have one or more non-family employees. Depending on your state, you may also have to provide insurance to part-time workers and contractors. Workers' compensation is also mandatory for employees of home-based businesses, although sole proprietorships and partnerships don't have to purchase worker's compensation insurance until they hire staffers that are not partial owners.

What is the difference between temporary staffing services and PEO arrangement?

A temporary staffing service recruits employees and assigns them to clients to support or supplement the clien's workforce in special work situations, such as emplyee absences, temporary skill shortags, or seasonal workloads. A PEO contractually assumes and manages employer responsibilities for all or a majority of a client's workforce. Worksite employees participate in the PEO's full range of employee benefits including, health, dental, and life insurance, vision care, and retirement savings plans.

Who is responsible for employment taxes?

While the client is responsible for providing the funds to cver payroll and payroll taxes, a PEO administers payment of wages to employees and payment of taxes to the appropriate agencies.

Who is responsible for compliance with employment laws and regulations?

One of the responsibilities of a PEO is to provide clients with guidance and educationregarding employment and regulations. Ultimately, the responsibility for complying with most of these laws lies with the client.

Am I protected from workers compensation claims

Yes. The PEO is the employer of records and secures the policy. The PEO is required to maintain a current policy.